Thursday, October 25, 2012



Where did everyone go? Its a odd realization, when you log back onto a site and find everyone inactive, for More than a year. Has it really been that long you may ask? How has everyone changed, i wonder where they live, how has time affected them. Life can change dramatically in a single year, people that once occupied your everyday thinking now seem to fade to the back, sometimes they appear only as fragments of memories. Other people, in a years time, are near to you, yet surprisingly, distant. Sometimes it doesn't seem fair when someone is taken away from you at a time when you needed them, or when they needed you. It seems unfair when these omnipresence figures in your life, ones you cherish, love or held in the upmost position in your life, disappear. Authority figures, parents, neighbors, mates... then one day by acts of there own or otherwise, there gone.

How do you explain the feelings that come from something like that. Theres bitterness, sorrow, anger, distrust, pain and understanding. Sometimes we can talk about it, other times... in all reality, there is nothing to talk about. Sometimes your very personality is hanging on a phone call that never came, or a lost letter, or a ceder box. In times like those your personality will have the best and worst come out of it. Determination, discouragement to name a few. And in my opinion, i feel as though no one ever really recovers from losses like these... I don't think we are ever meant to,because just in case we grow complacent with the forgetfulness of things that define us, we will turn into a numb people...

Whats your story?

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