Wednesday, December 5, 2012

At the end of the day, isn't it amazing just how cold a human can be? How heartless and souless a person can be? I've seen some cruel racist, and stereotypes that man has to offer, makes me wonder how some people sleep at night. To hate another person, because of a label, or appearence, scares me. i was raised being taught that slavery ended, and to no suprised i just assumed that so did discrimiation. I was wrong.

What is it that can make one man or woman think they are better than someone else? Is it social statues, Physical prowlness, mental capabilities? I cannot think it is any of these, as anything you can do someone else can do better. It is really just a simple fact. Truth be told im embarressed to be human when i find myself falling headfirst into this thought process. it happens to all of us. it simply gives me a headache when i stop in my thought process and attempt to think of a good reason to justify my thinking. Go ahead, think of a reason, ill point out every scum bagged part of your human nature. Then you tell me if your worthy to think of another group as lower. if you still do then your nothing more than a object that lives in your own self important reality that only hinders your life.

Some days at work are better than others as you can see..

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